Mel Gibson seems upset about the fucking cunt cocksucker whores (audio)

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editor - April 19, 2012

The Wrap has a new audio recording of Mel Gibson, and yes, he's still a raving lunatic who will completely lose his mind at the drop of a hat.

This one was recorded in December during a working vacation at Gibsons home in Costa Rica to discuss a script for a movie called 'The Maccabees'. In attendance were Gibson, screenwriter Joe Eszterhas, Eszterhas' wife and 15-year-old son, screenwriter Randall Wallace (who wrote 'Braveheart'), Wallaces' girlfriend, and a friend of Gibsons named Brad Hillstrom.

Keep that part in mind when you hear Mel smash shit and scream "Who the fuck wants to eat?", because he's yelling at two women and a 15-year-old boy. And when Gibson yells, "I am earning money for a filthy little cocksucker who takes advantage of me", he's referring to his ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva. But mostly he's yelling at Eszterhas, which is why it's so awesome that it was his son who recorded all this on his iPad.

Here's a transcript:

Why don't I have a first draft of "The "Maccabees"?
What the fuck have you been doing?
I'll type it!
— mumbling inaudible —
It's her!
— mumbling inaudible —
I go to work, you're getting paid, I'm not! Shit!
I am earning money for a filthy little cocksucker who takes advantage of me!
Just like every motherfucker!
So hurry the fuck up!
(Throwing things, knocking down the totem pole)
Fuck! God!
(Coming up from the billiard room and approaching the table and screaming at his guests)
Who wants to eat?! Who the fuck wants to eat?! Go have something to eat!
Fuckin' hate!
Fucking cunt cocksucker whore!
(Very hoarse)
(Screaming as he runs toward the driveway, gets into his car and drives away)

Wait, Mel Gibson had a totem pole?

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